Mark M The Herd, Guardian Brutes gain Elite 10/5/19.
Tim H Elves, Archers (Jar 4 Winds) gain Pathfinder 17/5/19.
Luke B Varangur, Warband gain Skill (+2 Attacks) 17/5/19.
Darren S, Undead Wraith Troop gain CS 1.
Neil H Empire of Dust, Revenants gain Skill (+2 Attacks) 17/5/19.
Neil R Forces of the Abyss, Lower Horde gain skill (+2 Attacks) 24/5/19.
Alex M Brotherhood, Order of the Brotherhood Horde gain vicious 7/06/19.
Cormac M Undead, Soul Reaver Cav Reg gain +1 speed 7/6/19.
George H KOM, Horde of Knights gain Bravery +1 Nerve 14/6/19.
Alex M Brotherhood, Order of the Brotherhood Horde gain skill (+2 attacks) 28/6/19.
Alistair A Undead, Zombie Troll Horde gain skill (+2 attacks) 28/6/19.
Mark M The Herd, Stampede gain skill (+2 attacks). 5/7/19.
Darren S, Undead Wraith Troop gain +1 Nerve 12/07/19.
George H KOM, Horde of Knights gain +1 Speed 12/07/19. (Note first unit to gain two different experience traits).
James S Varangur, Horde of Fallen gain +1 speed 12/07/19. Also 19/07/19 TBD.
Alex M Brotherhood, Regiment of Order of Redemption gain +1 Regen 30/08/19
Neil R FoA Lower A Horde gain +1 Regeneration 27/9/19.
George H KOM, Horde of Knights gain Iron Resovle 4/10/19. (Note first unit to gain 3 different experience traits).
George H KOM, Horde of Knights gain Vicous 1/11/19. (Note first unit to gain 4 different experience traits).
Neil R FoA Lower A Horde gain Bravery +1 nerve/wive 8/11/19. (now have 2 experience traits).
Alex M Brotherhood, Order of the Brotherhood Horde gaIN Iron Resolve 11/10/19.
Units with strike through now back to base stats.